Selected Essays (Psychology).

Below are a range of works I submitted as part of my BSc in Psychology at the University of Lincoln between 2010-2013. They cover a selected range of topics on areas I read during my degree:

  • vision
  • face perception
  • social influence
  • decision-making
  • motor development
  • drawing skills

Click below to view them. Please reference my wordpress if citing from them.

(Recommended citation: Lennon, Henry (2015). Selected Essays (blog). Retrieved from

Cognitive Psychology

Distributed Modularity for Face Perception

Nuthsell: a number of interconnected brain structures underly our ability to preferentially process and understand faces.

Vision; a Mediated Process

Nuthsell: we actively construct the world through our senses, primarily our eyes; illusions demonstrate just how powerful this really is.

Social Psychology

How Do Minorities Influence Majorities

Nuthsell: while uncommon, minority groups can get their way in some cases, but always involve specific strategies to persuade a majority.

Emotions and Decision-Making

Nuthsell: traditionally decision-making was premised around rationality, especially in scientific disciplines; in recent times this has become more nuanced and emotion has also been acknowledged as a key driver of why we veer towards certain decisions over others.

Developmental Psychology

Maturation vs. Culture in Gross Motor Development

Nuthsell: while learning how to move can be implied as universal, there are actually deviations to this development; it’s more cultural than we take for granted.

Culture and Child Drawing Development

Nuthsell: as with moving, drawing development implies some linearity, but research suggests that it is much more reliant on contextual factors (i.e., cultural attitudes, parenting, etc.) than we might think.

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